Vikend promjene
Svaki korak prema dubljem razumijevanju sebe zahtijeva odvažnost da zastanemo i pogledamo unutra. Vikend pred nama nije samo prilika za bijeg od svakodnevnice, već i za povratak k sebi – prema onome što uistinu jesmo ispod slojeva očekivanja, rutine i unutarnjih borbi. Priroda nas uči da su promjene neizbježne i da svako stablo, svaka rijeka, svaka planina nosi svoju priču o otpornosti, prilagodbi i rastu. Tako i mi, kada si dozvolimo stati i oslušnuti unutarnje procese, otkrivamo kako nas svaka životna okolnost oblikuje, podsjećajući nas da smo dio veće cjeline – povezani sa svime oko nas.
Cijena sudjelovanja:
240,00 EUR *
(cijena je važeća za rane prijave i uplate do 15.01.2025.)
• Redovna cijena: 300,00 EUR po osobi
Što je uključeno u cijenu:
• Smještaj: 3 dana i 2 noćenja u privatnoj kući rezerviranoj samo za sudionike radionice, s mirnim i podržavajućim okruženjem.
Program radionice:
• Vođene grupne meditacije za dublje povezivanje sa sobom.
• Grupne bioenergetske terapije za energetsko usklađivanje i obnovu.
• Mogućnost postavljanja pitanja voditelju za dublji uvid i dijagnostiku vašeg biopolja.
Dodatne pogodnosti:
• Privatni parking dostupan svim sudionicima.
• Intimna atmosfera za podršku i zajednički rad.
Što nije uključeno u cijenu:
• Hrana i piće tijekom boravka.
Broj mjesta je ograničen kako bismo osigurali individualnu pažnju i ugodno iskustvo za sve sudionike. Rezervirajte svoje mjesto na vrijeme i iskoristite prednost rane prijave! Cijena se odnosi na smještaj u višekrevetnoj sobi.
Location and useful information
The location of the workshop is a comfortable holiday house in nature, surrounded by forest and greenery. Exact location details will be sent to you after check-in.
In the meantime, get ready for an unforgettable experience of personal development and relaxation in a wonderful natural environment.
In order to ensure a quality experience for each individual, the number of participants is limited. Here we will explore the depths of our inner transformation together, supported by the energy of the environment that surrounds us.
The course of the workshop
The first day
Arrival at 5:00 PM for check-in and allocation of accommodation units. The introductory session will include an overview and biopole diagnostics for the workshop participants.
The first day is dedicated to something that is so important yet often overlooked: our soul or subconscious. It is reserved for diagnosing your biopole and explaining the causes of your issues.
If a person does not understand where their difficulties come from, they cannot understand how to resolve them. To become happy, healthy, and to maximize our potential, we must understand what is holding us back from achieving this.
Through the insight into your biopole, you will receive the answers needed to fulfill your potential in terms of destiny, health, career, and most importantly, recognizing your strengths that you may not even be aware of.
The information obtained on the first day will be integrated into the following two days, as our soul is our core. This knowledge will benefit you not only during the workshop but throughout your life.
It is important to come with an open heart and a desire to become better, understanding that the cause lies within you and that the step to transformation is very close.
Second day
The second day will be dedicated to the energy of our physical body. To ensure that our physical body functions well and healthily, it is crucial to "feed" it with proper energy. This includes appropriate nutrition and physical activity. Food is not just fuel for our body but primarily a form of external energy we ingest.
If this energy is unbalanced or improperly chosen, it will negatively affect our overall health. Since there is also an "inner" cause for the food choices we make, you may have noticed how "difficult it is to change your eating habits" and how often you follow "diets" to position yourself in the external world and impress others at the expense of your own health.
With insights into the root causes at the soul level, you will better understand this aspect, which is as important as the other two levels.
The second day begins with a nature walk, which will help us connect with this level. After returning from the walk, there will be a break followed by bioenergetic therapies that connect the first two levels. These therapies are a unique experience, activating energy on all levels and altering our entire energetic structure.
In the evening, we will have a guided meditation to conclude the day by "separating" our physical body and allowing it the rest it deserves.
Advice: Be sure to bring clothing and footwear suitable for today's activities (forest walk). If you wish to meditate while lying down, it is recommended to bring a mat.
The third day
The third day is reserved for a retrospective of the entire workshop. In the self-development journal you will receive via email before departing for the workshop, you will reflect on what happened during the workshop and on the final day, you will "wrap up" with a conscious review of what you expected, what you experienced, what has changed within you, and what you hope to gain from the next workshop.
The workshops are designed to keep you constantly in touch with yourself and your inner state. They are structured around effective “self-work.”
On the last day, we will focus on reflecting on your experience of what you have gone through and what you aim to achieve in the future. Awareness is a crucial level as it is where the "first" decisions are made about what you will do differently tomorrow compared to today. This is where change begins! No two workshops are the same, and neither will you be.
Group workshops offer numerous benefits, one of which is the opportunity to be with people who are moving in the same direction of change. You will learn to communicate in front of others and, most importantly, you will learn to express your emotions in ways you might never have dared to in the real world due to fear of judgment, hurt, or others’ opinions.
In the end, you will give yourself a "grade" on what you set as a goal and identify what you want to change about yourself in the next workshop.
Deciding to make a change is easy—putting it into action is as difficult as you allow yourself to admit that your “flaws” need to be redirected toward the good. This is when healing occurs on all levels of our existence.
Departure is scheduled for 11:00 AM.
Participating in the weekend workshop was simply a magical experience. I feel complete revitalization and inner peace. I recommend it to anyone looking for a deeper understanding.
I felt changes on a physical, mental and emotional level. Priceless experience and wonderful people I met! Thank you for everything you do.
Participating in the weekend workshop opened a new chapter in my life. I feel as if I have discovered an unexplored dimension of my own energy. I am delighted with the experience and will definitely see you again!
A journey after which you are not the same...
To better understand oneself and grasp concepts such as happiness, health, and a more fulfilling destiny, one must first comprehend the “negative” factors that hold them back in order to ultimately unlock their full potential. Through years of working with people and insights into our biofield, I have concluded that the answers to these questions lie deeply hidden in our subconscious. When you decide to attend the workshop, you are also choosing to change your life. We are layered beings, and on each of these layers, there are energetic envelopes that we are generally unaware of in our daily lives filled with stress, rush, and fear for the future, but which our soul is aware of. The goal of the workshop is to awaken these energetic layers on all three levels - body, spirit, and soul. That is why the concept of the workshop takes place in nature, away from the city's energy, crowds, and stress.
When you come to the workshop, you are not just coming to hear and experience yourself but giving yourself the “luxury” of resting your soul from everything that modern life demands as an “obligation.” That is why the energy of the location is crucial, as well as your separation from the “stress zone” to a zone where self-care is the top priority.
Uvjeti otkazivanja za vikend radionicu
1. Plaćanje i rezervacija:
• Uplatu za vikend radionicu potrebno je izvršiti putem opće uplatnice, internetskog ili mobilnog bankarstva, prema poslanoj ponudi.
• Cjelokupan iznos za sudjelovanje mora biti uplaćen unutar 24 sata, koliko traje rezervacija mjesta.
• Vaše mjesto na radionici je rezervirano isključivo po primitku cjelokupne uplate.
2. Uvjeti otkazivanja:
• U slučaju otkazivanja sudjelovanja, iznos uplate ostaje u potpunosti nepovratan, bez obzira na razlog i vrijeme otkaza.
• Ako je radionica otkazana od strane organizatora zbog više sile ili sličnih okolnosti, bit će određen novi termin kao zamjena za postojeći.
3. Zakonska osnova:
• Sukladno članku 79. stavku 1. točki 12. Zakona o zaštiti potrošača, kupac nema pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora (povrat novca) jer je predmet ugovora pružanje usluga vezanih uz slobodno vrijeme, koje se održavaju u točno određenom vremenu i razdoblju.
4. Nepridržavanje uvjeta:
• U slučaju nepoštivanja ili povrede obveza od strane sudionika, MANOLA, obrt za ostale osobne uslužne djelatnosti, vl. Damir Manola, zadržava pravo uskraćivanja ili ograničavanja svojih usluga.
5. Prihvaćanje uvjeta:
• Sudjelovanjem na radionici potvrđujete da prihvaćate navedene uvjete, kao i generalne uvjete poslovanja navedene na našoj web stranici.
Napomena: Uvjeti su osmišljeni kako bi osigurali kvalitetnu organizaciju i profesionalno iskustvo za sve sudionike. Zahvaljujemo na razumijevanju.