and transformation
Life rarely goes by without challenges, but I am here to support you on your journey of spiritual growth, providing you with tools, resources, and guidance to help you explore the depths of your inner awareness and discover your full potential. The wisdom you need to navigate uncertainty and change is already within you – you just need someone to show you how to harness it. Together, we will embark on this wondrous journey towards happiness, fulfillment, and a deeper understanding of yourself, creating a foundation for a life filled with authenticity and meaning.
I am glad you have decided to embark on the path of personal transformation.

My name is Damir Manola, and I am here to guide you on your journey of personal growth and spiritual development. Through years of dedicated self-work and helping others, I have developed a unique approach that has helped thousands of people transform their lives, find inner balance, and achieve a deeper sense of purpose. My ability to tap into the subconscious opens the door to your inner world, where, with genuine self-work, your dreams can become reality. I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, so we can create the life you truly deserve.
Damir Manola
Kako možete raditi samnom?
If you feel stuck in the same old patterns, exhausted from trying to change your life without lasting results, or constantly facing inner conflicts that prevent you from moving forward, it's time for a change. Perhaps you struggle with the feeling that life keeps bringing you back to the same challenges, or no matter how hard you try, you always end up in the same place. I am here to help you break that cycle.
Through individual counseling, online programs, guided meditations, and group therapies, I will provide the support and guidance you need to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, transform your patterns, and finally achieve lasting change. Personal growth doesn't have to be an endless process without results – with the right approach, you can create a life filled with peace, joy, and authenticity.

"Svi imamo moć promijeniti svoj život."
Upcoming Events and Registrations
Stay updated on our upcoming events and join workshops, seminars, and group therapies that can assist you on your path of personal and spiritual growth. Here, you can find all the information about upcoming events, open registrations, and opportunities to participate in transformative experiences that will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and create the life you desire.
- Sun, Feb 0250,00 eur
- Wed, Feb 1930,00 eur
- Fri, Mar 07240,00 EUR
- Fri, Jun 06240,00 EUR

Kroz godine predanog rada na sebi i pomaganju drugima, razvio sam jedinstven pristup koji je pomogao tisućama ljudi da transformiraju svoje živote. Posvetio sam se istraživanju dubina ljudske podsvijesti, što mi je omogućilo da stvorim niz programa usmjerenih na osobni rast, samospoznaju i duhovni razvoj. Moji programi, radionice i vođene meditacije osmišljeni su kako bi vam pomogli da prepoznate i oslobodite svoj unutarnji potencijal, prevladate podsvjesne blokade i pronađete dublje značenje i svrhu u životu. Bez obzira na to gdje se trenutno nalazite na svom putu, moj cilj je pružiti vam alate i smjernice koji će vam omogućiti da postignete trajnu transformaciju i ostvarite život koji je u skladu s vašom pravom prirodom. Autor sam mnogobrojnih programa za rad na sebi, a mnogi su klijenti kroz moj rad uspjeli ostvariti duboke promjene i pronaći unutarnji mir i zadovoljstvo. Moje iskustvo i intuicija vode me u radu s ljudima, pomažući im da prepoznaju vlastitu snagu i preobraze svoj život na načine koji su im se nekada činili nedostižnima.

Mario Z.
"Rad s Damirom otvorio mi je vrata razumijevanja sebe na način koji nisam smatrao mogućim. Njegovi uvidi donijeli su mi mir i jasnoću u najtežim trenucima mog života."
Marija K.
"Svaki razgovor s gdin.Manolom bio je korak bliže slobodi od starih obrazaca i ograničenja. Njegova energija, toplina i znanje nadahnuli su me da živim autentičnije i hrabrije."
Ivana M.
"Nakon nekoliko tretmana s Damirom, moji problemi s migrenama su gotovo potpuno nestali. Osim fizičkog olakšanja, osjetila sam i emocionalni mir koji mi je dugo nedostajao."
On line programi i meditacije
Otkrijte našu ponudu online programa i vođenih meditacija koje možete odmah kupiti i koristiti iz udobnosti vlastitog doma. Svaki program je osmišljen s ciljem da vas podrži u osobnom rastu, otpuštanju stresa i postizanju unutarnje ravnoteže. Pronađite svoj program, započnite odmah i krenite putem transformacije!

Weekend Retreat in Gorski Kotar
Join a unique weekend workshop in the stunning surroundings of Gorski Kotar and experience deep personal transformation in the heart of nature. This intensive retreat offers you the opportunity to step away from everyday distractions and focus on discovering yourself, releasing inner blocks, and connecting with your true essence. Through guided meditation, bioenergy therapies, and deep subconscious work, you will gain tools and insights to help reshape your life. Surrounded by pristine nature, you’ll be able to relax, recharge, and focus on creating positive changes. Spaces are limited and often fill up months in advance, so don’t miss this opportunity—reserve your spot today and begin your journey toward inner balance and personal freedom.